Sunday, May 27, 2012

Study Abroad: Day One

Today began with a fire alarm. 
Brian and I hopped out of bed this morning as it harshly sounded, but it didn’t last too long, thank goodness.  We both got ready and Brian trekked out and surprised me with the coffees we searched so fervently for yesterday. 

"He’s a sweetie, that one.”

Proudly displaying my white chocolate "Insomnia."

We checked out of our hotel and walked with our bags right outside the hotel so that I could catch a taxi and Brian see me off.  Brian knows how I am with “good-byes,” and it was hard to say bye, even if for a little while.

The taxi driver missed the hotel, but put it in high gear to reverse to make sure he let me out in front the hotel so that I didn’t have to walk too far with my 45 pound luggage alpng with my 10 pound bookbag.  He was very kind about it all.

The rooms here at O’Callaghan Alexander were not ready yet, and my roommate Whitney (she is so sweet!) had just walked out, so I decided it would be fun to explore the town a little.  Brian had taught me so much while I was here on how to get around (again, I am directionally clueless at times), so I felt confident.  So I left aforementioned bags at the front desk and headed out. 

I was told that on Sundays, it is not much of a shopping day, but people just really want to relax and walk about. 

Well, I don't see many Sundays back home like this. 

I headed down to Grafton Street, the place you go for shopping, and there were so many people out and the entertainment was abound!  I headed first to the Starbucks Brian and I visited countless times the past five days, called mom (very early ma, sorry!), and checked my email and Facebook to make sure Brian was getting on his 3 and ½ hour train ride to Killarney.  I then headed to several shops down Grafton Street to just bask in all the great fashions.

Beyond purchasing my first “Ireland” t-shirt, I bought a little surprise for Brian when I return to NC, and had yet another coffee from “Insomnia.”  Grafton Street had so much entertainment on the streets that I couldn’t help but to take some of these pictures and video below!

Making bubbles out on the street!

Crazy viking-looking thing.

Just read the sign. Or click on the picture to see the sign clearer.

Classic entertainment on the street.

I also went to this nearby park and listened to a band play some soul music for a little while for free.  There were so many people watching  the band, purchasing ice cream, and dancing to the music.  I headed back to the hotel and met up with Whitney and we talked with our two professors for a little while before retiring for the evening.  I know everyone who flew in today must be so tired!

It took me three full days to get over jet lag.  For realsies.

I was able to Skype with Brian this evening (thank goodness) and he let me know already how beautiful Killarney is, and that I will be truly pleased.  We will head to Killarney on Saturday, June 2, 2012. Tomorrow we head to Trinity College and we will explore the Book of Kells and then have dinner back at our hotel.  More on all that tomorrow!


Irish Saying: "An té a bhíónn siúlach, bíonn scéalach." He who travels has much to say.

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